The Bubble Nebula

This is an old collection of image data of the Bubble Nebula. Also there is an open star cluster named M52 on the bottom right, and there’s a nebula known as the Northern Lagoon Nebula on the lower left. Light pollution in this area was horrible. So even though this was a narrow band image, the blasted light pollution still got through. Below is the completed image, but I also had to darken it a lot to hide the light pollution.

Bubble nebula with full stars and all 3 color channels of SII, Ha, and OIII. This is known as the Hubble Pallet. Where Surfur is red, Hydrogen is green, and OIII is blue. The red and green make yellow, that’s why there is yellow.

Below I have included the starless image for people who are interested.

Starless image of the Bubble nebula area.

Here is the Ha data processed a little brighter than the finished image above.

Ha channel of the same area as the completed image above.

Here is the SII data:

This is the SII data for the Bubble Nebula.

And finally the OIII channel of the Bubble Nebula.

OIII data of the Bubble Nebula area. See the vertical white line on the left. More light pollution. OIII doesn’t block much light pollution.

Here is the capture details of the data. All these channels are around 3.8 hours each of exposure. The location was Norman, Oklahoma where I-35 and Hwy 9 meet. There was so much light pollution that it was nearly day light at the time. Narrow band is powerful at blocking light pollution but it has it’s limits. Maybe I will try this again in a darker area. I don’t live there any more.

Camera and telescope information follow.

Camera: ZWO 183MM Pro
Mount: Celestron AVX
Telescope: Skywatcher Evostar 72mm
Field flattener: Orion field flattener for short refractors
Guided with Astromania 60mm guide scope
Guide camera: ZWO ASI 120mm-s
Gain: 111
Sensor Temperature: -10C
Ha Frames: 58 @240s
SII Frames: 58 @240s
OIII Frames: 76@ 180s
Integration time : about 12hours
Flats: 50/filter
Dark Flats: 50/filter
Darks: 50/filter
Captured by NINA
Polar aligned by SharpCap
Stacked and processed by Pixinsight

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