This project is for Thor’s helmet nebula. There’s a bubble being blown in space by a very energetic star known as a WR 7 or Wolf-Rayet star. They are rare but powerful. The one in the center of this nebula is expected to explode in the next few thousand years. It’s about 1500 light years away. I was reading about this and our sun could have developed on the edges of clouds like this at birth. They can tell by the amount of metals in the sun and knowing the environment of these clouds in the pictures I have. Here is the source on that. I used the Hydrogen, Sulfur, and Oxygen filters for the color versions. Sulfur II was red, Hydrogen alpha was green, and Oxygen III was blue. This is called the hubble pallet because that’s how images are combined into color from the Hubble Space Telescope.
Here’s the uncropped version with stars.
Here is the starless version. Sorry there’s yellow dots where the stars were. They aren’t supposed to be there, but software isn’t perfect for every image. Starless versions are made to show all the nebula as it really is without stars between us and it showing up.
Below is the channels of images such as Sulfur II, Hydrogen alpha, and Oxygen III. Look at the captions for each image for the channel.
Here are the capture details for the images above.
Camera: ZWO 294MM Pro
Mount: EQ6R Pro
Telescope: Astrotech 115 EDT
Field flattener: Hotech Flattener
Guided with Astromania 60mm guide scope
Guide camera: ZWO Asi 120mm-s
Gain: 120
Offset: 30
Sensor Temperature: -10C
Ha Frames: 50 @ 300s
SII Frames: 57 @ 300s
OIII Frames: 62 @ 240s
Integration time : about 13 hours
Flats: 50/filter
Dark Flats: 50/filter
Darks: 50/filter
Captured by NINA
Polar aligned by SharpCap
Stacked and processed by Pixinsight