A night of planets and moon

I have an incredibly boring job, if you don’t find something to do 12 hours can take forever to go by. So I took my Nexstar 6se (orange tube), telescope and a ZWO 174mm and ZWO 120mm-s cameras the Celestron AVX mount and tripod to work with me. The atmosphere was rather calm, so seeing was above average. That’s kind of rare around here. I captured the images below.

First up is the Moon. It was captured with the ZWO 174mm camera and no filters. I captured 2,000 frames in a video to stack with Sharpcap Pro software. I stacked them with software called AutoStakkert 3.1.4. Out of 2000 frames I chose to use 75% of the sharpest frames and the software stacks and aligns them. From there I used software for sharpening them even more with Imppg software. There were 6 pictures I stitched together using Hugin Panorama editor software.


Now the planets I caught that night. The camera used was the ZWO 120mm-s (small chip sensor), ZWO filter wheel, ZWO color filters, on the same orange tube telescope. I capture red, green, and blue filters to make a full color image. On all the planets I got 2,000 video frames and used the best 50% of the sharpest frames stacked for each RGB filter using AutoStakkert 3.1.4. I combined each RGB image into a color image by using Pixinsight software. Then I used Registax 6 for sharpening and wavelets.

Tiny Mars

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