The Elephant’s Trunk Nebula

I have here the Elephant’s Trunk Nebula, captured and processed as a narrowband image. Red was Sulfur, green was Hydrogen, and blue was Oxygen. It may not be obvious since I changed some colors after combining them, it is very green when first combined. Since there is more Hydrogen in the universe than anything. It’s located about 2400 light years away. All together the exposure was 14.5 hours.

RGB of Elephant trunk
The combined Elephant’s trunk nebula and processed. It’s massive so my telescope and camera only saw a small part of it, but this is the main part.

Here is the Hydrogen of the area at the top. It’s an exposure of 61 x 300 seconds stacked and processed. That channel comes to about 5 hours.

Hydrogen of the Elephant trunk nebula
Hydrogen Alpha channel of the Elephant’s trunk nebula. This is the processed version.

Here is the Sulfur channel of the area at the top. This image was exposed 62 x 300 seconds and comes to just over 5 hours of exposure time.

Sulfur of Elephant trunk nebula
Sulfur II of the Elephant’s Trunk Nebula. This is the processed version.

Here is the Oxygen channel of the image at the top. This image was exposed for 53 x 300 seconds which comes to almost 4.5 hours of exposure total.

Oxygen of the Elephant trunk nebula
Oxygen III of the Elephant’s trunk nebula. This is the processed version.

Some details of capture and what I used to process the data and combine it.

Camera: ZWO 294MM Pro
Mount: EQ6R Pro
Telescope: Astrotech 115 EDT
Field flattener: Hotech Flattener
Guided with Astromania 60mm guide scope
Guide camera: ZWO Asi 120mm-s
Gain: 120
Offset: 30
Sensor Temperature: -10C
Ha Frames: 61@300s
SII Frames: 62@300s
OIII Frames: 53@300s
Integration time : about 14.5 hours
Flats: 50/filter
Dark Flats: 50/filter
Darks: 50/filter
Captured by NINA
Polar aligned by SharpCap
Stacked and processed by Pixinsight

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