I’m posting pictures from the past from before I started this website. I used to use Flickr and that was only so I could see my own pictures away from home. Here I am posting the picture and the description of what it is and maybe the capture details if I can find them. Here is a link to the Flickr account pictures as I didn’t copy them all here.
Here is the double cluster of stars in the north side of the sky.
Capture details:
Double Cluster
Camera: ZWO 294MM Pro at bin 1×1
Mount: EQ6R Pro
Telescope: Astrotech 115 EDT
Field flattener: Hotech Flattener
Guided with Astromania 60mm guide scope
Guide camera: ZWO Asi 120mm-s
Gain: 120
Offset: 30
Sensor Temperature: -10C
CLS Filter as Luminance 60s * 47
Red: 60s * 19
Green: 60s * 30
Blue: 60s * 25
Integration time : about 2 hours or 121 min
Flats: 50/filter
Dark Flats: 50/filter
Darks: 50/filter
Captured by NINA
Polar aligned by SharpCap
Stacked and processed by Pixinsight
Here is M27 or the Dumbell Nebula:
Capture details:
Camera: ZWO 294MM Pro
Mount: EQ6R Pro
Telescope: Astrotech 115 EDT
Field flattener: Hotech Flattener
Guided with Astromania 60mm guide scope
Guide camera: ZWO Asi 120mm-s
Gain: 120
Offset: 30
Sensor Temperature: -10C
Ha Frames: 92 @180s
OIII Frames: 90@ 180s
Integration time : 9.1 hours
Flats: 50/filter
Dark Flats: 50/filter
Darks: 50/filter
Captured by NINA
Polar aligned by SharpCap
Stacked and processed by Pixinsight
This group of galaxies is known as the Leo triplet of galaxies.
Capture details:
This is the Leo Triplet. There was an asteroid that passed through on Feb 20 during the luminance capture. There’s a dim trail of it near the tiny galaxy in the upper right. That galaxy is IC 2745. It looked like the asteroid was tracking through from there from our perspective. I saw it on the subs I took. It was around 3 hours long there. It looks like a star but it is defiantly drifting toward the lower right. I guess that happens in this area a lot. I didn’t know how to clean it up.
Camera: ZWO 183MM Pro
Mount: EQ6R Pro
Telescope: Astrotech 115 EDT
Field flattener: Hotech flattener
Guided with Astromania 60mm guide scope
Guide camera: ZWO Asi 120mm-s
Gain: 111
Sensor Temperature: -10C
Lum= 208 @60s
Red= 59 @60s
Green= 47 @60s
Blue= 56 @60s
Integration time : about 6 hours
Flats: 50/filter
Dark Flats: 50/filter
Darks: 50/filter
Captured by NINA
Polar aligned by SharpCap
Stacked and processed by Pixinsight
Here is the Wizard Nebula:
Camera: ZWO 183MM Pro
Mount: EQ6R Pro
Telescope: Astrotech 115 EDT
Field flattener: Hotec Fieldflattener
Guided with Astromania 60mm guide scope
Guide camera: ZWO Asi 120mm-s
Gain: 111
Sensor Temperature: -10C
Ha Frames: 66 @240s
SII Frames: 55 @240s
OIII Frames: 34 @240s
Integration time : about 10 hours
Flats: 50/filter
Dark Flats: 50/filter
Darks: 50/filter
Captured by NINA
Polar aligned by SharpCap
Stacked and processed by Pixinsight
Here is the Triangulum Galaxy:
Capture details:
M33 Galaxy (Triangulum Galaxy)
Camera: ZWO 183MM Pro
Mount: EQ6R Pro
Telescope: Astrotech 115 EDT
Field flattener: Hotech SCA Field Flattener
Guided with Astromania 60mm guide scope
Guide camera: ZWO Asi 120mm-s
Gain: 111
Sensor Temperature: -10C
Lum Frames: 332 @60s
Red Frames: 51 @60s
Green Frames: 51 @60s
Blue Frames: 63 @60s
Integration time : 5.5 hours Luminance, About an hour for RGB each
Flats: 50/filter
Dark Flats: 50/filter
Darks: 50/filter
Captured by NINA
Polar aligned by SharpCap
Stacked and processed by Pixinsight
Here is the Eagle Nebula. Inside of it is the Pillars of Creation. Hubble took a close up of it and it became very famous as what a telescope in space can do:
Capture details:
Camera: ZWO 183MM Pro
Mount: EQ6R Pro
Telescope: Skywatcher Evostar 72mm
Field flattener: Orion field flattener for short refractors
Guided with Astromania 60mm guide scope
Guide camera: ZWO Asi 120mm-s
Gain: 111
Sensor Temperature: -10C
Ha Frames: 44 @240s
SII Frames: 46 @240s
OIII Frames: 61 @180s
Astronomik 6nm filters used
Integration time : About 9 hours
Flats: 50/filter
Dark Flats: 50/filter
Darks: 50
Catured by NINA software
Polar aligned by SharpCap
Stacked and processed by Pixinsight
Here is the Lagoon Nebula:
Capture details:
Camera: ZWO 183MM Pro
Mount: EQ6R Pro
Telescope: Skywatcher Evostar 72mm
Field flattener: Orion field flattener for short refractors
Guided with Astromania 60mm guide scope
Guide camera: ZWO Asi 120mm-s
Gain: 111
Sensor Temperature: -10C
Astronomik Narrowband filters 6nm
Ha Frames: 43 @240s
SII Frames: 45 @240s
OIII Frames: 53 @180s
Integration time : About 8.5h
Flats: 50/filter
Dark Flats: 50/filter
Darks: 50/filter
Catured by N.I.N.A. Software
Polar aligned by SharpCap
Stacked and processed by Pixinsight
This is the Monkey Head Nebula:
Capture details:
Camera: ZWO 183MM Pro
Mount: Celestron AVX
Telescope: Skywatcher Evostar 72mm
Field flattener: Orion field flattener for short refractors
Guided with Astromania 60mm guide scope
Guide camera: ZWO Asi 120mm-s
Gain: 120
Sensor Temperature: -10C
Ha Frames: 23 @300s
Integration time : 1.92h
Flats: 30
Bias: 100 (I think)
Darks: 50
Catured by APT software
Polar aligned by SharpCap
Stacked and processed by Pixinsight
This is the Jellyfish Nebula:
Capture details:
Camera: ZWO 183MM Pro
Mount: Celestron AVX
Telescope: Skywatcher Evostar 72mm
Field flattener: Orion field flattener for short refractors
Guided with Astromania 60mm guide scope
Guide camera: ZWO Asi 120mm-s
Gain: 120
Sensor Temperature: -10C
Filter Maker: Astronomik 6nm
Ha Frames: 45 @240s (3h)
SII Frames: 44 @240s (2.93h)
OIII Frames: 42 @240s (2.8h)
Total Integration time : Almost 8h:45min
Flats: 150 or 50/channel
Darks: 50
Flat-Darks: 150 or 50/channel
Captured by N.I.N.A. software
Polar aligned by SharpCap
Processed in Pixinsight